SlothyHugs HellZone!!!

About Me!
I'm a nonbinary (they/them) and Bi/Pan 20-Some-year-old. Online I go only by Slothy, Slothyhugs, or anything like that. If you do know my irl name or even my deadname, please don't use it online. I do art on occasion but I have no dedicated art account, as any account that linked you here is likely just my original whatever-posting account

PLEASE Interact:
❣️Fellow artists/writers/creatives :0!!!
❣️ Fellow horror fans!!!!!!! Mwah!!!!
❣️Generally just fandom ppl tbh, yall cool
❣️Mf'ers w impeccable music taste who still like early 2000's style rock and industrial
❣️Fellow BBH fans! I still think that guy is great even if I don't post about him as outrageously as I previously did

Other Boundaries:
☠️I'm alright with people being jokingly romantic or directing platonic "ily"s towards me (no promise of reciprocation tho w either of those) but please no horny jokes at me
☠️Gender me however you want! Stay neutral or mix it around if you wanna get on my good side
☠️Keep the playful insults light. No reason to call me mean names if you're trying to get along with me.
☠️I'm shy!!! If you respond to anything I post or DM me and I just like it or don't reply at length I promise you I still appreciate it ;^;
☠️Literally anyone can DM me I don't really mind, just have manners i guess
☠️Mutuals are especially welcome to DMs. Asking for things like discord are included in that :)<3
☠️Already kinda clear but no matter how much you feel we've spoken please don't ask for my real name, location, face, anything irl like that.

Things I Post About:
😈Goofs! I love me a good funnie post
😈Self Inserts!!! If you don't like those you should probably leave now lol
😈Cats... too many cats... Love cat twitter
😈Video Games!
🩸Twisted Wonderland
🩸Indie Dating Sims
🩸Obey Me!
😈LGBTQ+ Stuff (I am the BTQ+ part)
😈Occasional Politics
🩸Also just cartoons lmao

Do NOT Interact:
💔Terfs, 'exclusionists', homophobes, sexists, racists, etc. Pretty predictable but might as well say it
🚫Genuine emphasis on the exclusionists part bc that's the dipshits I deal with thinking they have a pass most often. I don't tolerate people who police other's identities. It's not cool, get out of strangers' business, leave eachother alone, blah blah blah. Booo tomato, tomato, tomato, get off stage. You're weird. You're nasty. You're boring. Go bring your misery, policing, bootlicking, and assimilationist thought elsewhere.
💔Irl shipping truthers, if you rpf ship I'm alright w u and we have no beef but if you like... theorize abt irl ppl's private stuff please keep a distance
Dont expect me to interact:
💔Follow for follow peeps. I just don't do that. If you're interesting to me? Sure! I might follow back! But I don't care deeply about the funny little number enough to deal with an impossibly long tl
💔 Explicitly nsfw accounts, No problem with yall this just ain't the space for you as I'd like to keep my acct sfw adjacent

Totally fine to interact:
🕯️Specific labels/neopronoun users! I have no problems with people who use either of those and I firmly believe in everyone's right to self-identify in basically any way they want
🕯️Adults! I'm an adult. no problem there
🕯️People who might know me irl, ask first but also generally you should be good to go
Other Notes:
🕯️Minors or anyone else it may concern! Be warned while my accounts are generally sfw I think that bodies and sexuality are a fact of life and won't shy away from that. It's your responsibility to moderate your content but I will always do my best to make that easier. For this reason I warn you--
🐦TWITTER: I will occasionally (pretty rarely) repost art with artistic nudity or a silly joke about weiner or some biz but I try very hard to keep my account relatively tame
🟦TUMBLR: I am more comfortable reblogging explicitly sex-related posts as it is significantly easier for me personally to tag and warn for them, heed those warnings, use a blacklist, or just dont follow if this is uncomfortable for you.
It's your responsibility to moderate your online experience, and I mean this. If anything I post makes you uncomfortable but it isn't hurting people? Just unfollow, babey!!!